One night in Pinerolo I went out in the garden seeking for the umts line I needed to make a call...
Coming back I realized that the onwer of the resort had placed a spotlight just under a tree...
It was a really inspiring sight... so let the photo speak for me!
No exif comment for it.^_^ (joking^_^ f/2.8 and 1/10 sec)
29 February 2008
tree in the night
Published By
1:58 PM
27 February 2008
The first morning in the hotel in Pinerolo I took some shots of the path I needed to follow to break my fast!
Later on, reviewing the photos (more than 1200 shots in a tenday) I noticed that this hotel corridor remembered me the one from shining.
Yes the movie...
ok ok the movie one was different... larger corridor and different colors and the banding is lower... and is even far more darker than the overlighted corridors of the movie... but I got that feeling watching it...
Maybe looking at the photo you'll find out why (it is not a joke... it's a hope!^_^)
f/2.8 and 1/60 " are technical data of this photo (ISO 200 os 400 from the grainess of the shot!)
Published By
4:09 AM
23 February 2008
Selling Vegetables
Ok it has been a long time since last update... but job took me away from blogging :(
I contnue the Pinerolo's Reportage with a really beautiful vegetables' store.
It's not a temporary one! It is a normal store... a pure Brick one^_^
Here in Naples we do not have things like that... shure we have stores with boxes out in hte street (it's the norm for this kind of stores) but neither as tidily organize...
It looked nice!
And it wasn't attacheb to a wall or something like that, but it gone out of the portcully without even hindrance the casual walker.
This is really something we should learn!
1/200 secs of exposure and f/4.0 aperture for this shot!
Published By
12:02 PM
Tags: Colors, Events, Strange Things
12 February 2008
A Fountain in Pinerolo
I was being in Pinerolo for a week when I saw this fountain really near the school..
I tried to shot a photo of it in ner sunset, but the tight timeline we had than did not let me wait 15 minutes more.
So the sky was too clear for getting a good image, but I decided to go on shooting it.
My idea was to not use the flash (No! I did not wanted to use the fill-in setting of the camera) and to go for longer shutter speed in order to get a creamy water effect.
To say it all it was an half success as there was not enough water to get maximum visual impact... but I had to go with what was there in that given moment :(
So I go with a f/2.8 and 1/4" not written down the ISO and the exif is not my friend this time...
P.S. The total absence of bokeh shows us the limit of compact camera. This was shot with my A630 Canon
I'll surely find another fountain to shot with the new camera^_^
Published By
9:10 PM
Tags: monument
05 February 2008
Ok so now I have ended my photos of pieces of art...
The new photo is one of the walkways in Pinerolo. It is all aournd P.zza Garibaldi.
In spite being limited to a couple of hundreds of meters, it seems to be a good perpective example.
The photo was taken while searching for drum sticks (Yes! I like to play sometimes^_^) and I like the way trees, and their colors seem to close near each other...
1/200 and f/6.3 at ISO 80 to minimize rumor...
There are several light defects in this shot... as you can see looking at leaves up there.
Published By
11:17 AM
Tags: perspective