This is one of my best shot... It was bon in the early morning a couple of July ago.
It's one of the two photos I've sold through photolia... and it's not something I'd bet on selling!
I surely enjoy much of shot taken that morning... for once let the image speak by itself.
27 April 2010
Old little wooden boat
Published By
8:21 AM
20 April 2010
Sails on the horizon....
This is a strange photo... maybe the last in the photoshoot surely the last of it I'll show you^_^.
-I wanted to have an horizon full of little sails... the sails were there... but the 3:2 APS-C format of my D300 wasn't up to the task!
I needed to go into Pano mode... but hte sails were too far to get a decent 300mms shot... I tried to have it all in one shot... but half of this and half of that is not a recipe for succes... it's a recipe for failure I'd say!
So this is another shot I should have made better... still it is an interesting one as it clearly shows the difference between 100mm and 300mm on the 70-300 Sigma.
300mms are afar softer so in this photo there are good details even in the small sailboats!
Another thing... the shot was taken at ISO 1250 not bad at all, I was able to get a 1/640 sec as shutter speed... this, maybe is another wrong choice... I would have been better to shoot it at ISO 400 and 1/200 sec... 1/300 and ISO 600 would have benne better too... maybe...
To say it all it wasn't a choice of me... I clearly remember that I believed to have an ISO 200 Setting... it was a cloudy day and I was getting too much light in the exposimeter... but I was really convinced of that so.... good tht time I've learnt to chack twice on the setting BEFORE leaving home with camera gear ! [in the future will speak of the "OMG I've forgot to charge the AA batteries for shooting with the flash in the church!" just before a friend's wedding!]
So be it... the exif reads:
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2008:12:13 15:11:00
Exposure Time: 1/640 sec.
Aperture Value: 6.34 EV (f/9.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 1250
Flash Fired: Flash did not fire.
Exposure Program: Manual
Focal Length: 100.0 mm
Software: Bibble 4.10.1
Published By
1:22 AM
16 April 2010
Back in action?
There' nothing sure... but it seems SIGMA JApan has send the replacement for my SIGMA 24-70 EX DG and it will be repaired in the next week....
After a day of test (maybe two) AD Service (Italian SIGMA assistance) will send it back to me...
I'll have my 5dM2 once more in my hands! (and with a group portrait lens on it^_^!)
Published By
12:36 AM
14 April 2010
The Regatta
Date Taken: 2009:02:21 16:22:12
Exposure Time: 1/1250 sec.
Aperture Value: 4.97 EV (f/5.6)
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Flash Fired: Flash did not fire.
Exposure Program: Manual
Focal Length: 300.0 mm
Software: Bibble 4.10.1

P.s. With this post I'll try the "Write Now, Post Automatically later approach". If it goes well you'll have the chance to read it on Wednesday!
Published By
10:00 AM
11 April 2010
TfR - a different take
In addition to the portrait one I shot the landscape version of "training for regatta" too! [this was taken some seconds b4 the other one]
I honestly like this one more than the vertical...
I think it has a stronger composition and I like more the Bluer WB I've used for it.
The thing I like more is the broader open space in front of the sailboat that is more appealing in this versione than in the other one, but I'd like to have a longer tele in order to take a vertical picture with a bigger sailboat...
The photo was taken with the Sigma 70-300 APO (as most photos taken that day!)
Exif Reads
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2009:02:21 15:59:10
Exposure Time: 1/800 sec.
Aperture Value: 6.00 EV (f/8.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Flash Fired: Flash did not fire.
Exposure Program: Manual
Focal Length: 300.0 mm
Published By
9:40 PM
05 April 2010
Training for Regatta
Another shot of a sailboat....
This is the first of 3 shots I'll publish in the next few days ^_^.
It has been taken with the Sigma 70-300 APO and, obviously was taken without flash^_^.
Exif reads:
Date Taken: 2009:02:21 15:59:28
Exposure Time: 1/800 sec.
Aperture Value: 6.00 EV (f/8.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Exposure Program: Manual
Focal Length: 300.0 mm
Software: Bibble 4.10.1
Published By
10:34 PM
04 April 2010
Lonely Sail...
During the same period I was focused on getting some good shots of fishermen I figured out I could use the FOV Multiplier of my d300 to take some good shots at sail boats... This one is
from December.
There not much to say about it.... but this is the first shot I publish in some months (it is an old one!)
Exif Reads:
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2008:12:13 15:30:36
Exposure Time: 1/500 sec.
Aperture Value: 5.31 EV (f/6.3)
ISO Speed Rating: 1250
Flash Fired: Flash did not fire.
Exposure Program: Manual
Focal Length: 300.0 mm
Software: Bibble 4.10.1
Published By
12:56 AM