23 October 2007


In Pinerolo, during the Courses of teaching methodology of AIDEA, at lunch time...

You can always decide not to eat in order to make some good shot...

Surely at lunch time (1:30 PM here in Italy) the perpendicular light does not bode well for your photos... but you can always find a nice shadowy spot where there's something interesting to shoot...

In this spcific case I was strolling under some porch when near a Bar (a place where you can drink coffe, have an aperitive and other things lile those) when I see this huge golden cage with a parrot inside...

It was veay shy of the camera... so I had to shoot many times in order to have a good one...

I like this photo as it is shadow, but the colors are not dim...

Technical data?
F Number = f/3,5
Esposure = 1/60 sec
ISO = 100

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