11 December 2007

A Fast Red Sunset

This is the first of several photos to sunsets shot while driving on the highway.
None of them has seen any post processing, so you can see the dirty screen and some strange colors (but all of them are real!)

Personally I think my canon's white balance has gone wild on the hot side with this shot, but it was set on the usual AWB setting... altough this I think I like the shot... but maybe the effect is due to the red sun at my back.
In fact this shot was taken at some clouds that were mirroring the last seconds of sunset,

The shot was taken at 130 Kmh (just shy of 90 MPH), the exposure was set to 1/30" and the aperture was at f/3.2 (values taken from the exif I'm not so crazy to take notes while driving!)

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