06 January 2008

Mole Antonelliana (1/2)

In the next couple of posts I'll show you another great thing you can see in Turin: The Mole Antonelliana.

If you want to know technical data you can go at a wiki site, so do not ask me to tel lyou when it was built and how much it is tall.. .I will only say that it is not a modern building and that it is very very tall^_^

Trough this shot I tried to show the overwhelming sensation it creates...

Just sorry for the corner of the near building... I did not saw it before shooting...

Exif tells me it was taken at f/4.0 and a shutter speed of 1/640...

This is the shot as it was taken... I could have PPit to saturate the sky (getting more blue out if it^_^) while using duplicate levels to make the building clearer and brighter while cutting off the building corner...

I prefer not to apply PP (as for all the photos of this blog till now) to show what I get out of the camera..

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