To say it all this is the third or the fourth attempt at this same image^_^
I feel I can get a good HDR from it...
Someone would call it a false HDR as I was using only a 14.bit image... I really disagree Asit clearly shows more DR than the original Image (there are 3 different "exposures" of the same image!)
So... here it is
The subject is P.zza Maggiore in Bologna... the statue you can see in the middle of hte Photo represents Neptune... enjoy^_^
26 December 2008
An Attempt at an HDR image...
Published By
12:21 PM
14 December 2008
Some Lessons from a Pro..
NO! This is not about Photo tips... it's more about "creating a cover".
I believe it is easier to show than to explain.
I was "hired for free" at the thesis discussion of Univeristy pal as a photographer for the session.
I felt really honored for the trust he had, and so I happily agreed on shooting the session (182 photos!)
[YEAH I know I've not published anything in several months... But my camera has not settled on a shelf collecting dust!]
So this post is about the real difference a professional (or serious amateur) editor can make on a photo^_^
I'm not talking about photoretouching (ok ok there a little of it there) the real focus is on the "Cover" composition...
Yeah! cover!
I've created a blurb photobook of the session and I needed a "pro" cover... so I turned out to my dear sis in order to have some work...
Ok so before starting the usual information from Exif.
Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikon AF 50/1.4
ISO: 200
Aperture: f/1.4
Exposure: 1/25s
The real tricks behind this photo was to call my friend while the other were turned the other way toward the official photographer^_^
Obviously this photo was not "ready" for becoming a cover, moreover I did not tought it as a cover!
So I called for help and my dear sis come out with the following setup... just astonishing!
TO publish some more photos soon^_^
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4:57 PM