14 December 2008

Some Lessons from a Pro..

NO! This is not about Photo tips... it's more about "creating a cover".

I believe it is easier to show than to explain.

I was "hired for free" at the thesis discussion of Univeristy pal as a photographer for the session.
I felt really honored for the trust he had, and so I happily agreed on shooting the session (182 photos!)

[YEAH I know I've not published anything in several months... But my camera has not settled on a shelf collecting dust!]

So this post is about the real difference a professional (or serious amateur) editor can make on a photo^_^
I'm not talking about photoretouching (ok ok there a little of it there) the real focus is on the "Cover" composition...


Yeah! cover!
I've created a blurb photobook of the session and I needed a "pro" cover... so I turned out to my dear sis in order to have some work...

Ok so before starting the usual information from Exif.
Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikon AF 50/1.4
ISO: 200
Aperture: f/1.4
Exposure: 1/25s

The real tricks behind this photo was to call my friend while the other were turned the other way toward the official photographer^_^

Obviously this photo was not "ready" for becoming a cover, moreover I did not tought it as a cover!
So I called for help and my dear sis come out with the following setup... just astonishing!

TO publish some more photos soon^_^

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