08 February 2009

Sleeping Cat

During Christmas Holidays my sister has come back to our home... she carried on a little surprise...
A CAT!!!

Surely I knew that my sister had a new cat I was not expecting to see it...
It was a very small, good kitty it just had a very naughty stare!
Look at this photo...

It's exif reads:
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2008:12:24 22:24:31
Exposure Time: 1/249 sec.
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Flash Fired: Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detected.
Exposure Program: Manual
Focal Length: 98.0 mm

To say it all this photo is not straight out of the camera but there's a little PP to enhance the eyes and to soften the tissue.. but nothing serious!!

Enjoy the Picture...

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