18 September 2010

Panorama from Gentiles' Wedding

This is one of the most worked on photo I've EVER taken EVER!!!
I was at the wedding of a friend as a guest and decided to take a shot of the night pano from the restaurant...
IT WAS f*ing difficult...
I was with a D300 and the AF-S 18-200 f3.5-5.6... I was unsure if I could crank ISOs too high and there were no place were the lean or were to rest the camera in order to frame the shot as I liked!

I took maybe 30 different takes of this same shot and each time I had to chimp at 100% zoom in order to comprehend if the shot was blurred... in the end I decided to go with an higher ISO and later clean the photo in Noise Ninja... after that I cropped the photo in order to have a 2:1 aspect ratio... and It was not enough.. I had to print it 2 times as the printer get several "banding lines" on the print (obviously as it was not my fault I had not to pay twice for it^_^).

In the version of the shot I have here there's not info in the EXIF so just enjoy the photo -_^.

Have a Good Light!

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