28 July 2010

Yes.. please... tell me...

Ok let me start with saying this shot is an intentional one... mainly street but alla I'll say its the truest truth!

The guy on the left is a friend of mine (Enzo Amato? do you remember?) that day we decided to go seeing a 6 nations rugby match  Italy vs Galles.
We already knew Italy's chance of winning were dim at the max :.( but you did not go to a rugby match onyl to see your team prevail... it's more a party thing!

So we got there... and started looking for two other guys from Rome that were to come with us.
I carried the camera open and ready with the neck strap on... and I saw this scene...
Enzo was looking for our friends (looking toward the stadium) and not more than a meter away another man was looking for someone in the opposite directions...

It really seems the two are talking... but they have to said a single word in that moment... it's a street or not!!

EXIF reads:
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2009:03:14 16:49:26
Exposure Time: 1/125 sec.
Aperture Value: 4.97 EV (f/5.6)
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Focal Length: 28.0 mm

Have a Good light with the new Series on that same game!

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