02 August 2010

Marcato's 3 points!

I clearly remember this shot... how could I forgot it!

Italy was playing a good game but not getting any try out ouf our plays (as usual I should say!). Welsh actions grant us a kick on the 40 meters line and near the touch line (12 meter in the field I would say)... We all believed it would have used the kick to move the game nearer the tryzone...

Andrea Marcato and some other Italian players are discussing...

Marcato raise his hand and point to the goal... I'll try to go for three points? it's a 46 meter long kick with a wild angle!!
This shot is the moment of the kick...

2 seconds later all the stadium was cheering (Welsh too!) for the really good kick...

I took the shot with the Sigma 70-300 and I set it to 70 in order to get an idea of the relative positions of Marcato and of the goal.

Exif Reads
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2009:03:14 18:22:37
Exposure Time: 1/500 sec.
Aperture Value: 4.97 EV (f/5.6)
ISO Speed Rating: 800
Focal Length: 70.0 mm
Software: Bibble 4.10.1

Enjoy your lights!

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