03 November 2010

The Beauty and the Tray...

OK! This seems to be some weird stuff... it is!!

You know that after a wedding you throws some rice to the newly wed, don't you? So that was the tray used for making rice available to all the guests (OK OK many guests!!)
After that the girlfriend of the bride use the tray to mimic an venetian or a traditional hat... how I could lose this shot? I surely could not!

Just I did not know how to develop it... more or less contrasty? Give me an Idea^_^

The EXIF is the same for the two photos.:
Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Date Taken: 2009:09:30 23:45:50
Exposure Time: 1/40 sec.
Aperture Value: 4.62 EV (f/5.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 100
Focal Length: 75.0 mm

Take A

Take B

Have a Good Light!

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