Definitely not!
This was shot in Pinerolo, the 12th of September, and it was only a chance that has made it reach the post of 30th October... really!
The cart was parked out of a grocery... It was too strange a subject to not shoot it^_^
There are many pumpkin variant in the cart... help yourself!
Maybe I should have tried for a different perspective, tough...
31 October 2007
Is this a photo for Halloween?
Published By
1:08 AM
Tags: Colors, Strange Things
27 October 2007
a small stream
This is another shot from Pinerolo... one of land's features near the hotel we were "imprisoned" in...
If you go out of hte hotel, you'll find this little stream maybe two hundred meters down the road to the town...
If you look hard you'll see an house on the background... this little stream is really near the town...
I really like the shades of green in the photo... so I share them...
next time new photo
Published By
4:26 AM
23 October 2007
In Pinerolo, during the Courses of teaching methodology of AIDEA, at lunch time...
You can always decide not to eat in order to make some good shot...
Surely at lunch time (1:30 PM here in Italy) the perpendicular light does not bode well for your photos... but you can always find a nice shadowy spot where there's something interesting to shoot...
In this spcific case I was strolling under some porch when near a Bar (a place where you can drink coffe, have an aperitive and other things lile those) when I see this huge golden cage with a parrot inside...
It was veay shy of the camera... so I had to shoot many times in order to have a good one...
I like this photo as it is shadow, but the colors are not dim...
Technical data?
F Number = f/3,5
Esposure = 1/60 sec
ISO = 100
Published By
10:19 PM
19 October 2007
I can't help blogging this!
This was not expected!
This was not to be here before maaaany weeks, but i like this shot... I was looking at it in a pause from my work... and I decided to make it my frid's photo for this week...
This was shot at "The police - 2007 world tour" in Turin.... unbelievable... just too crazy for a gig!
Sting, Summers and above all Stewart Copeland... ok ok I play drums in my spare time (when I got some!) and so Copeland it a must-see for me...
Ehi! you should have seen the concert! 17 songs, all of them have been rearranged so all of them were
something a fan loves and something fully new.... what an experience!
THis photo will' let you get an idea of how many people were there... the tribunes were full too... but you cannot see them from this shot!
I've taken just short of 100 photos at the live, but I've selected only 3 for this blog... this is the first... the other? they will come with time^_^ (take a peek around February if you wanna see them!)
Just a Note... all of this week I've not taken any shot... I must continue shooting... it's the spare time to do it that is really missing... I succeed in updating this blog only as I have it all worked in a tight and secure process...
Clearly I'm not able to say which song they were playing... but I can give some technical info on the photo...
f number = f/3,5
Shutter speed = 1/20
Enjoy the photo... but I hope you've enjoed the tour too!
Published By
10:19 PM
18 October 2007
Just one Flower
So I was eating at Pinerolo, and I decided to bring with me my camera...
I hadn't been shooting for a couble of days... but from the other side of the garden there was a nice pink flower I had to shoot...
I tried to get the most color out of the photo, only using the shutter speed and the exposure value... obviously I have my A630 at Vivid color setting!
I'm just sorry of the focal of the image, as it appear someway blurred if 100% cropped...
Ask for it if you wanna see the defect, it's almost invisible at 1600*1200 (Picasa resizes my foto at this resolution, but I have offline the original shot!)
Exposure = 1/100 Sec
FNumber = f/5.0
Obviously as I was lunching I have not recorded this info but I get them outta EXIF!
Published By
12:34 AM
Tags: Colors
13 October 2007
Bikes for rent
First day in Pinerolo, the school is not started...
With some guys and gals we're round abouting to know the place...
Near Turin bikes are a very common form of transportation, maybe once they were more used than cars...
So they have this tradition, or so I believe... without doubt there are bikes for rent every few hundred of paces (ok... ok... maybe some thousand is far more true^_^.)
In pinerolo renting a bike is something you can do trough this coin-operated columns... I've not stopped to read fares and rules... I'm not into biking^_^
But something cought my eye... the bikes seemed lines as in few use a video camera to film it's video out...
I'm justo sorry for the GRIVA advertising in the background, but you can only shoot what really is out there, aren't you ?
So here's the shoot.... C Ya next shot!
Published By
11:19 AM
Tags: perspective
09 October 2007
Two Trees
This has been shot in my long travel to Pinerolo...
The train was in a station and from the other side of the wagon there were this few trees...
Two of them were really strange, the first one was green, but that at its side was red, purple... a color like that....
So I decided to have this photo...
Ok! Ok! It's not the most artistical photo you'll ever see, but I found it enticing^_^
The EXIF tells me this shot was taken at 10:19 AM of the 10th of September; the aperture was f/5.0 and the exposure was 1/800 sec...
Published By
9:33 AM
Tags: Colors, Strange Things
06 October 2007
Running trough Station
I was going to Pinerolo, dawn was just pased into daylight... there were an orange tinge in the light... the train was passing trough a station, and there was a light bend on the right... a good setting for a couple of shots...
This is the one I like the most... if only we could have been there 15 minutes before.... ok ok we cannot have everything!
Published By
6:53 PM
Tags: perspective
05 October 2007
Sunset II
Another pick of the sightseeing from my house... it was shot the 8th if September at the 19:47...
I really like the colors in this picture... the sky that goes from red to blu is one of my preferred subjects...
this was shot with an exposure of 1/9 of second and an Aperture of 3.5... if this is something you want to know...
ISO? I have not wirtten it down, but I believe it's a 200 shot
Published By
1:54 AM
Tags: scape