31 July 2010

Sorry but it's a normal photo not a magical one like in Harry Potter\

These are the very first two shots of the game.
Italy open on the open side and after 1 pass it feints and change direction for Mirko Bergamasco that was launched forward.

It was a clear deliberate scheme the tean had decided to use... it went well... but even with the 6 shots /sec of Nikon D300... there was not enough frames to have a movie.

A can show you two frames of that action^_^ bot of them were taken with the SIGMA 70-300 4-5.6 APO one of hte cheapest lens out there!

First Shot - EXIF
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2009:03:14 17:08:50
Exposure Time: 1/640 sec.
Aperture Value: 4.64 EV (f/5.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Focal Length: 220.0 mm

Second shot - EXIF

Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2009:03:14 17:08:52
Exposure Time: 1/640 sec.
Aperture Value: 4.64 EV (f/5.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Focal Length: 220.0 mm

Enjoy yours Light!

28 July 2010

Yes.. please... tell me...

Ok let me start with saying this shot is an intentional one... mainly street but alla I'll say its the truest truth!

The guy on the left is a friend of mine (Enzo Amato? do you remember?) that day we decided to go seeing a 6 nations rugby match  Italy vs Galles.
We already knew Italy's chance of winning were dim at the max :.( but you did not go to a rugby match onyl to see your team prevail... it's more a party thing!

So we got there... and started looking for two other guys from Rome that were to come with us.
I carried the camera open and ready with the neck strap on... and I saw this scene...
Enzo was looking for our friends (looking toward the stadium) and not more than a meter away another man was looking for someone in the opposite directions...

It really seems the two are talking... but they have to said a single word in that moment... it's a street or not!!

EXIF reads:
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2009:03:14 16:49:26
Exposure Time: 1/125 sec.
Aperture Value: 4.97 EV (f/5.6)
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Focal Length: 28.0 mm

Have a Good light with the new Series on that same game!

25 July 2010

Sempre sia lodata...

Another shot from the trip to Bologna...

I really do not know what told me to shot this... maybe the contrast... I really do not know... I like the photo and I think  this is enough for me^_^
The matte homogeneous color in the sky is what has convenced me to blog it^_^

Exif Reads:
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2008:06:30 17:53:45
Exposure Time: 1/160 sec.
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Focal Length: 105.0 mm

Have a Good Light!
="clear: both; text-align: justif

21 July 2010

Torre dell'asinello

This is another classical shot of Bologna from the same day as the shot before.
This is the Torre dell'Asinello (Little Donkey Tower) near P.zza Maggiore.

If you go there you'll have to try this shot but it will be far better to carry with you a perspective correction lens as the other building are far too near to get a good sight...

Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2008:06:30 18:18:43
Exposure Time: 1/60 sec.
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Focal Length: 18.0 mm

Enjoy your lights

18 July 2010

San Francesco ai Chiostri

Speaking of not too sharp shots...
This too was taken with my D300 and the AFS 18-200 in some strange situation of lights that fooled my AF...

I've taken this picture while I was going to a famous ice cream shop in Bologna (Gelatauro) the day after Gods Of Metal 2007.
I was walking under the cloisters (the walkways in in the old Bologna are covered and are called Chiostri (IIRC) I can't find a better word for them) and I was taken by this sight and decided to shoot it...
Far lovelier sight than I succeeded in capturing I suppose^_^

Exif Reads:
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2008:06:30 18:18:43
Exposure Time: 1/60 sec.
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Focal Length: 18.0 mm

Enjoy your Light

15 July 2010

Murder Party

This is one of the many (several hundreds) shots I've taken at several at the meetings of Società Alchemica, a group of people who like boardgaming and other form of gaming too!

This particular shot was taken at one of the first Murder Party when one of the organizers was reading the first event of the game (i.e. the first body to be found) starting the real game after some period to let us enter the roles.

A Murder party is an interesting way to spend a night and a cheap one too as the internet is full of plot seeds for these games.

In the shot I tried to recreate the atmophere of the declaration... using only the ambient light (a stand-up lamp standing on the floor for added effect) and setting the WB to get a hotter / hellish look.

This is not the sharpest image out there but I deemed it as not so important.

Exif Reads:
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2008:03:15 00:00:05
Exposure Time: 1/50 sec.
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Focal Length: 50.0 mm

Enjoy your light!

12 July 2010


This shot was taken and thought with the help by a colleague Daniele Russo (he is the man in the photo!)

The Idea was to give the viewer the essence of the PhD Student...
We're not saying that we are used to xerox things... but that we are ready for unusual chores at unusual time of the day...

In particular IIRC this was taken AFTER we got a session of exams in Economia e Gestione delle Imprese (Business Administration).

We have toyed for sometime with several WB setting to end with the following ones.

Exif Reads:
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2009:02:12 20:22:45
Exposure Time: 6 sec.
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Focal Length: 40.0 mm
Software: Bibble 5 Preview

Have a Good Light!

05 July 2010

Monte Sant'Angelo by night (2/2)

This is the other one...
A more classical color more respectful of the real lights put there...
This is a little less ghostly but it has something appealing on the lines and lights in the lower - half contrasting with the smooth clouds in the upper half...

Ok so tell me which one you like most...

The Exif Reads:
Camera Model: Nikon D300
Date Taken: 2008 - 11 - 28 - 21:24:50
Exposure: 20 sec
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 200
Focal Length: 28.0 mm
Software: Bibble 4.10.1

01 July 2010

Monte Sant'Angelo by night (1/2)

This is the first shot of two on Monte Sant'Angelo (our University campus) by night.

This is slightly unusual as in Italy we do not have real Campus were students live... but as a PhD Student often I was making some research late in the evening and so one night I decided to shoot some photo just outside my department (Business Administration).

So... I took the tripod with me and starting taking pictures... obviously I've selected 2 from many more shots...

The first one has a little too blu white balance (as you can see from the lights) but it gives a ghostly appearance I really like (it contrasts with the modern structure).

Exif Reads:
Camera Model: Nikon D300
Date Taken: 2008 - 11 - 28 21:20:44
Exposure Time: 13 sec.
Aperture: f/4.5
ISO: 200
Focal Length: 28.00 mm
Softwar: Bibble 4.10.1