These photos do not need much comment^_^
So they are perfect for hte holydays...
Here are two more shots!
ooops I forgot...
Merry Christmas... and Happy New Year!
28 December 2007
The Police Live 3 and 4
Published By
9:33 AM
21 December 2007
The Police Live 1 and 2
So it is the first couple of shots from the live itself...
The first shot shows the light... with a great blu flare... You can see two things:
1. We were really far from the stage!
2. there were 5 amazing screens... but look next pictures!
OK do you see it now? the whole stage was 1 big screen that plays with the light games!
Just a tech note... this shot were taken with a little of zoom... ok now you should comprehend how far we where...
Altough the distance from the stage (by far the greatest in all of my more than 20 lives) it has been one of the best (if not THE BEST) live in my life^_^
I can hardly explain why^_^
Published By
12:01 AM
18 December 2007
Delle Alpi - The Police
This is a shot of the "Delle Alpi" stadium... where the police have made their last italian live show.
I?m sorry to admit that meanwhile this shot was taken by me, I'm not the author of the composition's idea... that goes to Pino Macrì, a frined of mine (he is my comic book pusher too^_^),
While searching for the gate he proposed to make this "silhuette" photo... great idea Pino...
The shot was taken while we where moving so it is not the best shot... but it is shown here to honor the idea behind it...
Moreover this is the first of four posts on the concert... they are not the most artistic or journalistic shto of hte world... but it was a too great concert not to publish here some of it!
I'd have preferred a little more of saturation and contrast on this shot... but here it is as it was taken!
Shot Conditions? f/8.0 and 1/500"
P.S. I really hope you were there!
Ok ok I've made some count... as I have 9 photos to publish from it... I prefer to have 2 photos for blog entry so to end this chapter in 2 weeks^_^
So here it is the second shot... the advertising poster in a road near the stadium...
Nothing technically special... but if I want to have a complete reportage... I need it^_^
Published By
10:43 PM
Tags: Lights, Live, Photo Idea
15 December 2007
High Speed Sunset
Same day as the previous post (a little earlier I'd say) I took some shots from the sunset.
It was a claudy day so it was impossible to see the sun... but I could see its reflection on the clouds.
It was a fairly cheap shot to take... but I was alone in the Car speeding at something like 90 mph!
The shot was taken at f/2.8 with an exposure of 1/60".
Published By
5:36 PM
11 December 2007
A Fast Red Sunset
This is the first of several photos to sunsets shot while driving on the highway.
None of them has seen any post processing, so you can see the dirty screen and some strange colors (but all of them are real!)
Personally I think my canon's white balance has gone wild on the hot side with this shot, but it was set on the usual AWB setting... altough this I think I like the shot... but maybe the effect is due to the red sun at my back.
In fact this shot was taken at some clouds that were mirroring the last seconds of sunset,
The shot was taken at 130 Kmh (just shy of 90 MPH), the exposure was set to 1/30" and the aperture was at f/3.2 (values taken from the exif I'm not so crazy to take notes while driving!)
Published By
11:12 AM
08 December 2007
Bologna's Porch
I was in Bologna as said in the previous posts.
This is a view from the window odf the room I slept in!
The house was near city center, and so the streets near there are small and there are a porch for every palace.
The road itself is not too much lighted, but the porches are clearly lighted.This shot documents the overall effect^_^
It was taken at 10:37 PM with a f/2.8 and an exposure time of 1 sec (damn! It is really hard to shoot at these exposure times without a tripod!)
Published By
7:19 PM
Tags: Lights
04 December 2007
Wandering in Modena
The 23th of September I was in Modena wandering trough the esternal fringe of city center.
I was searching for some AA Batteries for my camera when I saw this strange king of garden... it had been creater on the top of the wall of an old palace in order to embellish obscuring the view inside (from the other palaces I believe as the wall was to high to peek inside from the street).
The city center is mainly red or yellow with some brown building and some white ones composed mainly of not-so-large alleys, so it was pretty unusual to find a garden like that one... so I decided to take a shoot of it.
After reviewing the photo I'm glad I've done so... the green band in the center of the composition breaks the photo's colors in a good way. The old man on the left create a sense of "peace" while the curve in the alley create movement... just my toughts about it obviously^_^
The exif tells me the shot was taken at 100 ISO with an aperture of f/5.0 and an exposure of 1/80"
Published By
9:13 AM
Tags: Strange Things