30 September 2010

Agglutination 3

Third shot from Agglutination Fest

EXIF Reads:
Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Date Taken: 2009:08:12 10:51:04
Exposure Time: 1/40 sec.
Aperture Value: 4.00 EV (f/4.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 3200
Focal Length: 38.0 mm

Have a Good Light

28 September 2010

Agglutination 2!!!

I was there only for U.D.O. so do not hold your breath for shots of the other bands!

EXIF Reads:
Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Date Taken: 2009:08:12 09:49:41
Exposure Time: 1/20 sec.
Aperture Value: 4.00 EV (f/4.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 2000
Focal Length: 40.0 mm

Have a Good Light!

26 September 2010


This is a simple one... I covered Agglutination Fest 2009 as a freelance and took several shots I liked... I liked them so much that I sent them to the festival organizers and they have liked them to as now they are on their site^_^.
This is the flag of Agglutination Fest 2009 Edition.

This night I've learnt that I can have faith in Canon 5D2 High ISOs Capabilities!

Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Date Taken: 2009:08:12 09:49:41
Exposure Time: 1/20 sec.
Aperture Value: 4.00 EV (f/4.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 2000
Focal Length: 40.0 mm

Have a Good Light

24 September 2010

First photo with the 5DII

Ok obviously this is not the first SHOT!
it's the first photo I've took with the Idea of taking something good!

This is a Pano made of several photos (8 IIRC) with the Canon 17-40 f/4.0 L...
That is an amazing lens!! Awesome!!

This shot is the third re-post processing try^_^ The first one had a wrong PoV chosen in Hugin; The second was too less contrasty... so I went back in Bibble and re-developed the shots, later I's increased saturation, joined the shots in Hugin and, to end it alla added some vignetting in the shot as I liked it most^_^

The EXIF reads:
Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Date Taken: 2009:08:08 09:31:37

NO other data? that's strange O_o

Have a Good Light

22 September 2010

Naples By Night - NTL Second Shot

After having taken a shot in the day... how could I not take another during the night?

So I took my Benro tripod to the balcony and framed this shot trough Live View.
Ok.. honestly I took several shots (6 or seven of them^_^) and took the one I liked the most^_^

Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Date Taken: 2010:07:26 03:54:46
Exposure Time: 30 sec.
Aperture Value: 6.00 EV (f/8.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 100
Focal Length: 75.0 mm

Have a Good Light

20 September 2010

Naples by Day - New Tamron Lens First Shot

The first shot I took with the new lens I got this July has been taken from my balcony as I liked the light that very same day I shot from my balcony ^_^.

There's not rally much to say... it the shot right out of the camera (Ok ok it has been cropped for the web!).

Exif Reads:
Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Date Taken: 2010:07:26 02:40:16
Exposure Time: 1/320 sec.
Aperture Value: 5.38 EV (f/6.4)
ISO Speed Rating: 100
Focal Length: 75.0 mm
Software: f-spot version

Date taken... there's something wrong here they cannot be the 02:40:16... it was afternoon!!

Have a Good Light

18 September 2010

Panorama from Gentiles' Wedding

This is one of the most worked on photo I've EVER taken EVER!!!
I was at the wedding of a friend as a guest and decided to take a shot of the night pano from the restaurant...
IT WAS f*ing difficult...
I was with a D300 and the AF-S 18-200 f3.5-5.6... I was unsure if I could crank ISOs too high and there were no place were the lean or were to rest the camera in order to frame the shot as I liked!

I took maybe 30 different takes of this same shot and each time I had to chimp at 100% zoom in order to comprehend if the shot was blurred... in the end I decided to go with an higher ISO and later clean the photo in Noise Ninja... after that I cropped the photo in order to have a 2:1 aspect ratio... and It was not enough.. I had to print it 2 times as the printer get several "banding lines" on the print (obviously as it was not my fault I had not to pay twice for it^_^).

In the version of the shot I have here there's not info in the EXIF so just enjoy the photo -_^.

Have a Good Light!

16 September 2010

AIDEA Giovani - 2

This is the second shot (the one I prefer^_^)

This time I got an EXIF at least^_^
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2009:02:21 16:44:07
Exposure Time: 1/1000 sec.
Aperture Value: 6.00 EV (f/8.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Focal Length: 105.0 mm

Have a Good Light!

14 September 2010

AIDEA Giovani 1

These are two shot made on Commission for AIDEA (Associazione Italiana Dottori in Economia Aziendale) Giovani.

They were to have a conference in my university and asked me for something "Naples" to use as a banner on the conference poster...

I proposed to shot something for them and  I got out to shoot something classic "Vesuvio" the sleeping volcano near Naples... I proprosed two different shots...
I really prefer the second one... it has stunning details and a broader perspective you can fall into... but they chose the first one.

Both shots were taken with the Nikkor AF-D 28-105 f3.5-4.5 an astounding lens I was lucky to get cheap^_^.

Postprocessing them was easy than before as I used Hugin^_^ After joining the shots I just used some filters to enhance colors and contrast and make them more post-card like^_^

I do not know why but I have no EXIF embedded in this shot... :(

Have a Good Light

12 September 2010

Naples like Tokio...

... or maybe are just the clouds^_^

I know the fuji is far different but that was my idea at the time... so sue me^_^
This is a simpe shot taken with my old Canon PowerShot A630 I was looking at the old photo's archives and this shot captured my attention^_^.

Exif reads:
Camera Model: Canon PowerShot A630
Date Taken: 2007:10:07 06:06:35
Exposure Time: 1/250 sec.
Aperture Value: 6.00 EV (f/8.0)
Focal Length: 29.2 mm

Have a Good Light!

10 September 2010


I believe it was July when I decided one morning to take my cheap tripod, and go haveing some photo fun at the first rays of light....

That morning I took several shots of boats, ships, seagulls BIF.. and tried my hand (and the tripod) to a Pano... it has been one of my favorite shots ever since!

It's a huge pano made of 5 shots (or maybe six) taken with the AF-D 50mm f1/1.4 and composed togheter BY HAND in GIMP... FAR MORE DIFFICULT than I tought it would have been

I needed the whole morning (5 or 6 hours!) just to align them correctly... luckily the AF-D 50 mm f1/1.4 has not that much distortion to correct^_^

This panorama is high 2532 pixel... so in the original there's far more detail than in this scaled down version^_^

07 September 2010

The 3 man from Venice

I am part, or maybe I should tell I was part of an association to spread Intelligent Games (You know... the german or american table-top games... those with wood chips and no dice... BOoooring!!!)
I've taken more than 1000 pictures in the couple of years I was a frequent goer to their events... to say it all now I'm not playing too much but surely we had some funny moments...

One of them was when three of the "Alchemists" and the other two are a couple of friends from Castellammare di stabia...

The one in the second photo, instead, is the Ghigo's little bro... (Don't you know the Ghigo? Sorry for you!)

Both photo were shot as something to rememeber in the last moment of a game night... so tehre's little if nothing post processing at all...

For the first photo the exif reads:
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2008:03:15 01:39:30
Exposure Time: 1/60 sec.
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Flash Fired: Flash did not fire
Focal Length: 50.0 mm
Aperture: f1/1.4

For the second one the exif reads:
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2008:03:15 01:39:30
Exposure Time: 1/60 sec.
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Focal Length: 50.0 mm
Aperture: f1/1.4

Have a Good Light!

04 September 2010

BFS - Bread

Looking how I can enhance results composing the food on the plate... I decided to try my hand at it with the Bread.

Some friend of mine gave me a Bread baking machine (It's really simple to operate... just puor the ingredients you fine on the recipe book in the bucket and it will give you a piece of bread 3 hours later^_^).... So we were (ant we still are!) baking our own bread.

I decided to frame the shot in diagonal cutting some big bread slices an using a wood plate (it is specifically designed for cutting bread upon it but I do not know the English word (neither the Italian one to say the full truth!) for it!
For shooting it I used the Nikon 50 mm f/1.4
In post production I went for a low contrast development in order to enhance the feeling of smoothness... following a similar Idea I desaturated the image a little...

Exif Reads
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2009:01:01 15:42:55
Exposure Time: 1/40 sec.
Aperture Value: 2.00 EV (f/2.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Software: Bibble 4.10.1

Enjoy Your Lights!

01 September 2010

BFS - Meat in the plate...

My sister insisted for a shot of the kebab in the plate... and insisted on composing herself the plate...

How could I refuse?

Exif Reads:
Camera Model: NIKON D300
Date Taken: 2009:01:01 15:23:57
Exposure Time: 1/40 sec.
Aperture Value: 4.00 EV (f/4.0)
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Focal Length: 50.0 mm
Software: Bibble 4.10.1

Enjoy Your Lights!